Connectivity checks
In case of a failing connection, please perform the below checks for your chosen connectivity option.
Ethernet checks:
• Is there a firewall in place? If so, are the domains whitelisted?
• Is there an HTTP proxy? If so, ensure set-up via the network tool
• Is the ethernet cable plugged in the correct ethernet port?
• Is the IP address of the network overlapping with the IP address of the sensors (192.168.1.X)? If so, reach out to Samotics
• Is there a DHCP or Static IP address used? If so, set up correctly via the network tool
• Does the ethernet connection work when plugged into a laptop?
Wi-Fi checks:
• Is there a firewall in place? If so, are the domains whitelisted?
• Is there an HTTP proxy? If so, ensure set-up via setup tool
• Is the IP address of the network overlapping with the IP address of the sensors (192.168.1.X)? If so, reach out to Samotics
• Is the antenna installed to the correct Wi-Fi port?
• Does the network show up in the setup tool?
• Is the correct network frequency used? (The gateway can only connect to 2.4 GHz networks)
• Is the correct authentication used? (Only WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK)
• Is it possible to connect to the network via a laptop?
4G checks:
• Are both antennas connected to the correct 4G ports?
• Is the sim card placed in the sim card holder on the gateway underneath the LEDs?
• Are the antennas located at the optimal spot. The signal strength can be checked in real-time via the setup tool